• TaintedSoul LJ

    Does Your “Name” Keep You From Getting Hired? A recent study shows that people with “white-sounding” names are 50 percent more likely to get a response to their resume than are those with “black-sounding” names. Read more… That’s really bad. You would think that it’s getting better, but it’s only getting worse. I don’t know what to say. What’s next? Along with the Tsunami jokes from Hot97, I feel the end is coming. Anyways, my life has been crazy/normal. Ups and downs, but things seem to be getting better.

  • TaintedSoul LJ

    It’s been exactly 10 days since I updated. I’m such a procrastinator. Well, so much is going on right now. Since school started, my schedule has been CRAZY. Also, I have so many other things that I have to do. I have another job, it deals with real estate records, $10/hr, 20 hrs/week, no tax until you file your taxes. I don’t know how that’ll work out. I’ve decided to get high speed internet instead of cable TV, they are the same price anyway, why not have inet? Maybe then I’ll be able to post more. Life has been pretty cool. We went to the And1 Streetball Live this past…

  • TaintedSoul LJ

    Just a short update. I had so much fun this weekend. But the most importantly, we saw DMX at the mall!! He was real cool, and I got a chance to take a picture w/ him.