Sick Again
Just trying to get back to the blogging game. Man, I’m sick again. The weather is cold as hell down in ATL, which is crazy. I woke up this morning with a soar dry throat. It’s kind of itchy, not soar, but hurts when I try to talk loud. My eyes are hurting, and I probably should be sleeping. Last week, I stayed almost everyday at school to do my projects because my computer is still BROKEN! I had it fixed last week, but when I tried to turn it on this weekend, guess what, it didn’t work! I was so pissed off, I think I just need a new…
New Friends?
Anyone wanna be my friend? I think I’m gonna start this again…
Something Awhile ago…
Something my ex wrote to me: Are Dreams True There are many things in life that we take for granted And before you know it..that which you had has vanished Now the Earth has been pulled from underneath you Nothing is ever the same again you think to yourself will I ever have another chance You think will I truly be happy again You watch the Earth as you knew it fall apart Much like the fictitious Day After Tomorrow Then the pieces fall to the ground and you try to make them in to what they were but you get turned around circles, circles, circles You, I, Me realize…