The Victims of Hurricane Katrina
This is maybe one of the most devastating natural disasters that we will experience in our life time. So many people are affected directly and indirectly. My prayer goes out to all the people that has been affected directly in this disaster. My prayer goes out to city of New Orleans, I hope it will recover. There is also a gas shortage in ATL, and many people may be riding buses for the next couple of weeks. Seems like chaos just come after chaos. What’s gonna happen next in the world?
Things seem to be going down hill for me lately. My last paycheck didn’t get deposited right b/c the bank closed my account due to NSF, which is why I wanted to deposit into that account. So the direct deposit has been turned back, and I still haven’t received any money yet. Now this week, I forgot to turn in my timesheet last Friday, that means, NO paycheck till two weeks later!! I can’t do that b/c my rent is due. Damn, things are just not working. I’m so frustrated. I know eventually things will get better, but I’m start to feel hopeless. I pray that God will show me…
This past weekend was too short. I feel like I didn’t have enough time to do anything :(. School is almost starting again, I got two more weeks, I’m so nervous lol. I’m finally going to Atlanta College of Art, but now, they are in the middle of merging with SCAD, which I don’t like, so a lot of drama are going on. There are protests going on, because ACA people don’t like SCAD. I really like the ACA enviornment, and I really hope it can stay that way, at least till I graduate. I’m still job hunting. It’s so hard, even when you have a nice little resume. I…