• SoleDesire LJ

    It’s Been A Long Time

    It’s been awhile since I’ve updated anything. I’ve been pretty busy, working on my baby’s streetball mixtape. It’s coming along pretty good. I’m also working on a vector for the new design on my site. It should be done by the end of this week. I feel like there’s not ever enough time for me. It goes by too fast. I got so much that I want to do. I really need to hurry up. Nothing’s gonna wait for me.

  • SoleDesire LJ


    Life is so hard sometimes, all the time. Sometimes I wish things could be easy. I want to just live life worriless. But struggles are always there. I constantly find myself fighting hard, fighting back. But fighting against what? Myself? I hate the stress, I wish things were simpler, but complexity is what makes life, “tasty”. If, and only if, life was easier (smh). Maybe one day it will come true.